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Watch: Woman's Terrifying Screams As Motorcycle Stunt Goes Horribly Wrong

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A viral video showcasing a dangerous motorcycle stunt has drawn widespread attention and sparked safety concerns after amassing over 240 million views on Instagram. The footage captures a stunt rider and his female passenger attempting a high-risk wheelie manoeuvre on a busy road, leading to a terrifying moment when the passenger lost her balance due to the bike’s sudden acceleration.In the video, the woman can be seen getting trapped between the motorcycle’s seat and rear wheel as the bike sped forward. Her frantic attempts to free herself, combined with her audible screams of distress, underscore the life-threatening risks of such stunts. Notably, both the rider and the passenger were not wearing helmets, further increasing the potential for serious injury.The stunt, performed on a road with fast-moving traffic approaching from behind, has ignited criticism online.

Social media users expressed outrage at the reckless behaviour, with one commenting, “This is why helmets are non-negotiable. That could have ended much worse.” Another user condemned the rider, stating, “Absolutely insane. The rider should face consequences for putting both their lives at risk.”As the video continues to circulate, the incident serves as a grim reminder of the inherent dangers of motorcycle stunts and the importance of safety gear and responsible riding. One commenter noted, "This video should be a wake-up call for all stunt riders. Safety first, always."
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