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New £3.6m plan to turn Poundworld into giant Wetherspoons and revive UK 'ghost town'

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Basildon is set to be home to the biggest Wetherspoons, as plans have been unveiled for a £3.6 million pub built over two floors in a former Poundworld.

The King of Essex is likely to be a welcome addition to the city, as locals have long been complaining about the town centre being devoid of local watering holes, even calling it a "ghost town".

"We are looking forward to developing our new pub in Basildon", Wetherspoons spokesman Eddie Gershon said. "The town had a Wetherspoon pub for many years, and we are confident that the new pub will be even better and a great addition to Basildon's social scene.

"The level of investment highlights Wetherspoon's commitment to the town and its residents."

Retired local Jody Bird, 58, told the Sun: "It'll be much more lively in Basildon now and means we'll have somewhere to go at night."


"When the new pub opens, we'll all feel a lot safer when we're out on the town at weekends", Bird's friend, Tina Snell, 61, also added. "And The King of Essex, what a brilliant name for a pub."

Financier, Sherry Knowles, 42, shared that she hated going out in Basildon at night "because the restaurants close early and there's no cinema, so nightlife is virtually non-existent.

"I'm more likely to go out when there's more people around and it might encourage the cinema to actually get built."

Despite the enthusiasm, these plans have also sparked concerns for some of anti-social behaviour at night.


Town centre shopper Sharon said: "It's got to be a lot more up market for me to want to go there."

"I can't help worrying there'll be trouble caused by late night drinking", another individual, Steve, added.

The King of Essex is expected to open its doors in late November this year, creating approximately 70 new jobs.

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