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Common driving action we think is 'helpful' actually breaks law

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When out driving, there are those little gestures drivers do between each other in a bid to be helpful. But some of them are actually against the Highway Code and could land you in hot water.

While things like wearing a seatbelt and sticking to the speed limit are obvious, some of the things many drivers do at one time or another are illegal.

Sam Sheehan, motoring editor at cinch, said: “Nobody wants to be landed with an unexpected fine, especially if they didn’t even know they were breaking the law, so it’s best to brush up on even the most obscure driving laws to keep you and other road users safe.”

Common motoring mistakes that could break the law

Using your horn at night

In the UK, it’s illegal to use your car horn between 11.30pm and 7am in built-up areas unless another driver could cause an accident. Outlined in Rule 112 of the Highway Code, the idea is to reduce noise pollution at night. So, if you find yourself driving late at night and feel the urge to honk, remember to check your watch first.

Sam said: “We’ve all heard someone beep their horn with road rage, but they’re only really for warning others of danger. Avoid using them past a certain time, or at the wrong time, or you might end up in hot water.

“The same goes for flashing your headlights. They should only be flashed to let other drivers know you’re there, so do your best to break that habit if you’re guilty of misusing your full beams.”

Leaving your engine running

Another little-known law relates to idling. According to Rule 123 of the Highway Code, it’s illegal to leave your engine running while the car is stationary on a public road when you don’t need to.

This law aims to reduce emissions, so drivers are expected to turn off their engines if they expect to sit there for more than a few minutes. This includes when you’re at a railway crossing or in heavy traffic.

Splashing pedestrians with muddy water

Splashing pedestrians with puddles is definitely frowned upon, but did you know it’s actually illegal? According to Section 3 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, driving without reasonable consideration for other road users, which includes splashing pedestrians with mud or water, can result in a fixed penalty notice or even a court summons.

Sleeping in your car while drunk
It might seem like a responsible decision to sleep in your car if you're too drunk to drive, but in the UK, this could still land you in trouble.

Under Section 4 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, it’s illegal to be in charge of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, even if you're not driving. So, if you're found drunk in your car and you have the keys on you, you could be prosecuted.

Parking facing in the wrong direction at night

When parking on a road at night, vehicles need to be parked in the direction of traffic flow (unless they’re in a marked bay). Rule 248 of the Highway Code is there to help make sure that other drivers can see the reflectors on your vehicle, reducing the risk of accidents. Parking against the direction of traffic can result in a fine, especially if your vehicle is deemed to be causing an obstruction or hazard.

Warning other drivers of speed traps

Many drivers might flash their headlights to warn oncoming vehicles of speed traps or police presence, thinking they're being helpful. However, it’s actually illegal under Section 89 of the Police Act 1997.

The law says that ‘it’s an offence to wilfully obstruct a constable in the execution of their duty’, which includes warning other drivers about speed checks. This law is there to make sure road safety measures are as effective as possible.

Using your phone to pay at a drive-thru

Using a mobile phone while driving is widely recognised as illegal, but did you know that this extends to paying with your phone at a drive-thru? Even though the car might be stopped, it’s still illegal under Regulation 110 of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 if the engine is running. To avoid penalties, it's best to switch off your engine before you tap your phone.

Driving too slowly

While speeding is a well-known offence, driving too slowly can also get you into trouble. According to Rule 146 of the Highway Code, drivers must not drive at a speed that could ‘hinder the progress of other road users’.

This law aims to keep traffic flow smooth. Driving too slowly can be seen as careless driving and result in a fine or penalty points on your licence. While these eight laws might seem a little too niche, they’re there to keep everyone safe on the roads.

They’re actually so specific because they are all offences people commit regularly, so it’s worth staying aware if you’ve developed some bad habits behind the wheel. As Sam said, nobody wants to end up with an unexpected fine, especially if they didn’t know they were breaking the law in the first place.

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