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Why Ghee and Gud is the best sweet dish to have after meals

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For centuries, the combination of ghee and gud has been the most treasured sweet dish of traditional Indian cuisine, not only because of its sweetness but also because of the various health benefits it avails. Gud is an age-old sweet treat in so many homes, particularly as a post-meal sweet dish. Let's proceed to know why ghee and gud are the most wonderful sweet dish to have after meals and how they help well-being.

Rich source of nutrients
It's a super-powerhouse of nutrients. Ghee contains healthy fats, like butyrate, highly beneficial to the gut and in digestion. It contains all fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K. Gud is rich in minerals, including iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Together, they provide a nutrient-dense treat that nourishes the body and your sweet tooth in no way at all.

Improves digestion
It is one of the major reasons ghee and gud are consumed post meals-to facilitate digestion. Ghee stimulates digestive enzymes that allow easier digestion of food. The buttery butyric acid present in ghee is supposed to feed the intestinal lining for a healthy gut. Meanwhile, gud brings in detoxification of the digestive tract and metabolism. It is also considered at its best when consumed along with a heavy meal, and the intake of this minimal ghee with gud after the meal prevents bloating and enhances digestion. This will make one feel much lighter and relatively more comfortable.

The REAL reason why you must eat Gud after lunch/dinner

Boosts energy levels
Gud is also a good source of instant energy because it is easily digestible, and the energy is released instantly. This does not cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels as refined sugar causes. Linked with healthy fats of ghee, this lends to a sustained release of energy which has the potential to act against post-meal drowsiness. Generally, most people feel lethargic after a heavy meal, but ghee and gud provide a natural boost of energy that can ward that off.

Nourishes detoxification
Detoxifying is the other role that ghee and gud play. Gud acts as a natural sweetener by purifying blood and flushing out toxins from the liver. It also acts as a mucus-clearing agent in the body's respiratory system. Being oily, ghee can be used to detoxify the intestines and remove all toxins from the body; hence, ghee-gud is an excellent choice for after meals detox process.

Reduces joint pain
It can, therefore, reduce joint pains or arthritic pains and stiffness due to its anti-inflammatory property. It is thus good for people who suffer from joint issues. It is rich in minerals such as magnesium and potassium. Minerals keep bones healthy. Moderate consumption of ghee and gud regularly may thus help strengthen joints, improve flexibilities, and keep bones healthy in general.

Balances Vata and Pitta doshas
Ghee, in Ayurveda, is an agent used in balancing both doshas - Vata and Pitta doshas. It exhibits a cooling effect that keeps the pacification of intensity on the Pitta heat intact, and it has lubricating nature that helps cool down the erratic dry qualities of Vata. Gud balances Vata and Kapha by maintaining stability and warmth in the body. The binding of both ghee and gud gives a well-balanced sweet that promotes mental and bodily well-being through their harmonization.

Supports heart health
While ghee contains healthy fats, those are actually healthy in moderation for heart health. Ghee decreases bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good cholesterol (HDL). Gud, rich in potassium, thus regulates blood pressure and is much healthier than refined sugar in relation to heart health. Therefore, the combination of ghee and gud can become a healthier heart-friendly dessert if taken in small quantities.

A natural and unprocessed sweetner
In terms of ghee and gud as a sweet dish, both of which are natural, unprocessed foodstuff. The gud is prepared by boiling sugarcane juice or date palm sap in the absence of chemicals, and ghee is just pure clarified butter. What's different for these types of sweets that are indeed enormously processed with preservatives and taste enhancers is that ghee and gud have no harmful additives.

Provides immunological strength
Ghee and gud are rich in such properties which enhance the immunity levels of an individual. The antioxidant level of ghee enables the body to prevent infection. Gud helps to stabilize the body due to its mineral-rich content, thereby protecting it from seasonal cold and flu. These two ingredients make for a perfect dessert that could protect your body against diseases during the winter season.

Satisfies cravings healthily
This one combination alone is very filling and can be happily indulged in. Most of the people after a meal crave something sweet. This combination can easily help satisfy that sweet craving but avoid overindulging and making unhealthy choices. The sweetness of gud with the smooth texture of ghee has been something you can indulge in without regret.

Ghee and gud are much more than the usual traditional sweet dish. It offers people a good amount of health benefits, ranging from excellent digestion, energy boost, and support to health in terms of heart functionality. The best thing about it is that it serves as the ideal natural, nutrient-rich dessert, providing just the right balance between taste and nourishment. Just a limited amount as part of meals can help increase overall well-being with the gratification of the sweet tooth in a healthy way.

(Images courtesy: Canva)
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