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How the habit of having a pinch of cinnamon powder daily can prevent diabetes

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It has been widely brought to attention that cinnamon is a powerful spice, which is commonly used in cooking and baking. Besides its pleasing flavour, cinnamon is known for holding some medicinal properties which help in controlling blood sugar levels. Researchers have discovered that adding a pinch of cinnamon powder to daily diets could prevent diabetes and help control the attack of diabetes. A spice extracted from an ancient bark of a tree from a very plant called the Cinnamomum tree, has been used in traditional medicine for centuries; it is one method and how it works, and why having this new habit of taking cinnamon every day makes such a huge difference in diabetes prevention.

The regulation of blood sugar by cinnamon
One of the major reasons cinnamon is useful for diabetes prevention is that it regulates blood sugar. It also includes cinnamaldehyde, a compound that has been shown to enhance the sensitivity of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that assists in transporting glucose from the bloodstream into the cells to be utilized for energy. In such patients as those suffering from type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, insulin resistance prevents glucose from entering the cells while blood sugar rises within the body. This helps to allow the body to lower the blood sugar level by enhancing insulin sensitivity, thereby decreasing the chances of developing insulin resistance.

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Delayed carbohydrate breakdown
Another role of cinnamon is that it delays the digestive process of carbohydrates. As and when we consume carbohydrate-containing food items, the body breaks them down into glucose, which in turn raises the blood sugar level. Direct inhibition of specific digestive enzymes by polyphenolic extracts in cinnamon ensures a slow and steady increment of glucose into the bloodstream. This mechanism may prevent acute spikes in blood sugar after meals in an individual at risk for diabetes.

Antioxidant activity of cinnamon
Cinnamon is highly antioxidant-rich. Antioxidants play a crucial role in protecting the body from oxidative stress, a key factor in chronic diseases, among which include diabetes. Oxidative stress occurs when free radicals overwhelm the body's antioxidants, resulting in an imbalance. It causes inflammation and cellular damage. The antioxidants in cinnamon shorten free radicals, reducing oxidative damage and inflammation, which enhances insulin resistance and the progression of diabetes.

Reducing blood glucose level during fasting
Studies have revealed that cinnamon has been proven to regularly decrease blood sugar levels during fasting. In one study, published in the journal Diabetes Care, subjects who took 1 gram of cinnamon daily manifested a reduction in fasting blood sugar levels of as high as 29 per cent. This shows that cinnamon can maintain healthy glucose levels, especially in patients with pre-diabetes or at-risk clients of type 2 diabetes.

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Lipid profile improvement
The second is lipid profile improvement. It is the patients with cases of diabetes who are mainly identified with high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides thus exposing them to greater risks of cardiovascular diseases. The studies on research related to cinnamon reveal that it lowers total cholesterol, LDL levels, as well as triglyceride levels while at the same time increasing the level of HDL. This improved profile in lipids not only aids in managing diabetes but also reduces the risks of heart disease conditions, which most commonly occur with the case of diabetes.

Anti-inflammatory properties
Research has shown that inflammation occurs closely with the emergence of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Hence, cinnamon is a source of anti-inflammatory agents that will reverse it. Cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon has been proven to reduce inflammation by bringing down all the markers in the body. Therefore, it enhances insulin sensitivity in the body by reducing the chances of suffering from diabetes in later life due to its anti-inflammatory characteristics.

Causing weight loss
Maintaining weight is very vital in preventing diabetes. The addition of cinnamon can contribute to fat management to look ideally fit. Research has shown that cinnamon can result in viscosity fat reduction, also known as belly fat. The higher visceral fat rate is to raise the general weight of a person. Obesity is one of the primary causes of type 2 diabetes. Thus, the inclusion of cinnamon in your diet will add to weight management. Low chances of getting diabetes.

How to add cinnamon to your daily diet
You could not make adding a pinch of cinnamon to your diet more convenient; here are a few ways to include it:

Mix into coffee or tea: Add little amounts of cinnamon powder in your morning coffee or tea to infuse flavour with extra health benefits
Add to oatmeal or cereal: Cinnamon really pairs well with oatmeal, yoghurt, or even breakfast cereals.
Add a pinch to smoothies: Spice up your smoothie with a pinch of cinnamon to give your beverage that extra kick of flavour and health benefits.
Add to baking: Be it making bread, muffins, or cookies, cinnamon can add a very great flavour.
Mix with honey: Mix cinnamon powder with honey and warm water to prepare that nice, sweet, but still healthy drink to kick-start your day.

While cinnamon is one of the healthiest ingredients on the list, be careful about the kind taken and its quantity. There are two primary kinds of cinnamon: Ceylon, also known as true cinnamon, and Cassia. The one you are most likely to find in stores is Cassia cinnamon, which contains more coumarin, a toxin proven to cause liver damage at higher amounts. Therefore, if you're a frequent consumer of cinnamon, it's better to use Ceylon cinnamon.

Furthermore, it should be pointed out that cinnamon must complement a healthy diet and lifestyle, not replace diabetes medications or other diabetes treatments. During pregnancy or breastfeeding, do not undertake major changes to your diet without first consulting your healthcare professional if you have or are predisposed to having diabetes or any other health condition.

A regular pinch of cinnamon habit is an accessible way to prevent diabetes. The various health benefits of cinnamon include the regulation of blood glucose levels, increases in insulin sensitivity, and anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant benefits, which make it an extremely worthwhile addition to your diet. While cinnamon is not a cure for diabetes, adding it to daily life will have a positive impact on overall health, lessening the chances of developing diabetes later on in life. Just as with any other dietary change, moderation should be exercised, and a healthcare professional should first be consulted.

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