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Court orders fresh probe into Cadila rape case

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AHMEDABAD: A local court ordered Saturday further investigation into the rape allegations levelled by a 27-year-old Bulgarian woman against Cadila Pharmaceuticals CMD Rajiv Modi and sought a report in two months.

Acting on a protest petition filed by the former flight attendant, additional chief judicial magistrate did not accept the Sola police clean chit given to Modi and a Cadila employee named Johnson Mathew at this stage. Instead of accepting the summary report, the court ordered the investigator to probe further under CrPC Section 173(8) - (further investigation can be done in respect of an offence wherein a police report or chargesheet has been forwarded to a magistrate).

As per complainant's advocate Rajesh Mishra, the court observed that important witnesses in the case who were cited by the Bulgarian were not examined by the investigator. It said that not recording statements of important witnesses caused damage to case and these witnesses need to be examined.

The court also said the police ignored important documents and directed the investigator to take them into consideration during further investigation. The court noted that electronic evidence made available during the investigation was ignored and, besides documents, electronic evidence on which the complainant relied should have been considered.

The court noted the investigator did not investigate allegations of human trafficking by Cadila and its management. It directed the roles of all those allegedly connected with this be probed.
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