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How a man lost RS 59 lakh in 'Skype and WhatsApp video calls' scam

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A Bengaluru man has fallen victim to a sophisticated online scam, losing Rs 59 lakh. The scammers, who spoke fluent English, staged a fake court trial to convince the victim that he was involved in a legal dispute and required a hefty payment to settle the matter.

What exactly happened
KJ Rao, a Bengaluru resident revealed that he received an automated call on September 11, threatening to block his mobile numbers. Subsequently, he was connected to a person posing as a crime branch officer from Colaba, Mumbai, who falsely accused him of money laundering .

After this, Rao received a WhatsApp video call from a person, who was dressed as a police officer. The fake officer claimed that Rao's Aadhaar details had been misused, reinforcing the belief that he was indeed involved in illegal activities. Despite Rao's willingness to report to the local police, he was instructed to stay put.

The fraudsters then claimed to transfer the call to a CBI office, where Rao was informed that he was under digital arrest . Following the instructions of the scammer, KJ Rao confined himself to his room and was subjected to constant surveillance via a Skype call.

KJ Rao was subsequently connected to a fabricated courtroom setting, where a person impersonating a judge presided over a false trial. The victim was falsely accused of various charges and instructed to transfer a substantial sum of Rs 59 lakh to multiple accounts, allegedly in compliance with a "court order" and Reserve Bank of India guidelines.

"The crooks didn't let me sleep the whole night as they kept a watch over Skype. My mind just went blank and I didn't have a friend or family member to share my plight with," Rao told TOI.

The next day, he transferred Rs 50 lakh and Rs 9 lakh to two different bank accounts.

The scammers abruptly ended the Skype call around 2:30 PM on September 13th, shortly after KJ Rao had completed the fraudulent money transfers. It was at this point that the victim realised he had been duped and immediately went to the Indiranagar police station to file a complaint.

Tips to stay safe from WhatsApp video call scam* If you receive a video call from an unknown or unexpected number, be cautious and do not answer immediately. Verify the caller's identity through other means before accepting the call.

* Use alternative methods to confirm the caller's identity, such as calling them back on a known number or checking their social media profiles.

* Never share personal information, including your financial details, passwords, or identification documents, with anyone you meet online, even if they appear to be legitimate.

* Scammers often create a sense of urgency to pressure victims into making hasty decisions. If someone asks you to make a quick payment or transfer money, be cautious and verify the request.

* If you believe you have been targeted by a scammer, report the incident to the platform's support team and the relevant authorities.

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