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Vinayak Chaturthi June 2024: Date, Puja Time, Rituals and Significance

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As the name suggests Vinaya Chaturthi is dedicated to honour Lord Ganesha. On this auspicious day, devotees worship Ganesh Ji and observe strict fast from dawn to dusk and visit temple to seek blessings of Ganpati Ji. There are two Chaturthi observances in the month which falls during Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha. Sankashti Chaturthi occurs during Krishna Paksha and Vinayak Chaturthi occur during Shukla Paksha. This time, Vinakay Chaturthi is going to fall on Chaturthi Tithi of Shukla Paksha in the month of Jyestha. Vinayaka Chaturthi fast will b observed on June 10, 2024.

Vinayak Chaturthi 2024 : Date and Time

Chaturthi Tithi Begins - June 9, 2024 - 03:44 PM
Chaturthi Tithi Ends - June 10, 2024 - 04:14 PM

Puja Timings - June 10, 2024 - From 10:26 A.M. 01:06 PM

Vinayak Chaturthi 2024: Significance

Chaturthi holds a great religious significance as this tithi is dedicated to worship Lord Ganesha. On this sacred day, devotees offer prayers to lord Ganesha and observe strict fast from dawn to dusk and then break their fast in the evening. Ganesha ji is one of the most loving God who brings auspiciousness in the life of devotees and fulfill all the desired wishes.

Devotees must worship him with sincerity and have pure devotion towards him. It is believed that the onw who worship him with full devotion and dedication, Ganesh Ji fulfill all their wishes and bestow them with happiness and prosperity.

Vinayak Chaturthi 2024: Puja Rituals

1. Wake up in the morning and then take bath.
2. Clean the house and puja room.
3. Prepare bhog prasad for Ganesha Ji.
4. Set up an altar and place an idol of Ganpati Ji and light a diya with desi ghee.
5. Offer yellow flowers, Durva Grass and laddoo.
6. Recite Bindayak story and chant Ganesha Mantra 108 times.
7. At last chant Ganesha Aarti.
8. Visit Lord Ganesha temple to seek blessings of Ganesha Ji and offer meetha paan, boondi laddoo and durva grass.
9. In the evening, devotees can break their fast after offering water to Moon God.
10. They are advised to have sattvik food only.


  • Om Gan Ganpataye Namah..!!
  • Om Vakratunda Mahakaye Suryakoti Samaprabha Nirvighnam Kurumaye Dev Sarva Karyeshu Sarvada..!!
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