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Skanda Sashti June 2024: Date, Time, Rituals and Significance

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Skanda Sashti is considered an auspicious day which is dedicated to worship Lord Murugan . This is a monthly fast observance which falls on the sixth day or Shashti Tithi of Shukla Paksha. People observe fast and this time it will be observed on June 11, 2024 in the month of Jyestha and has a great religious significance. Devotees offer special prayers and seek blessings of the Lord.

Skanda Sashti 2024 : Date and Time

Sashti Tithi Begins - June 11, 2024 - 05:27 PM

Sashti Tithi Ends - June 12, 2024 - 07:16 PM

Skanda Sashti 2024: Significance

Skanda Sashti holds a great religious significance and people honour lord Murugan on this auspicious day. On this day, devotees observe a fast and offer special prayers to Lord Murugan, seeking his blessings for success, happiness, and spiritual growth. This day falls on the sixth day of Shukla Paksha and this time it will be more special as it is going to occur in the month of Jyestha. Lord Murugan is the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. This day is purely dedicated to worship him and this day is mainly celebrated in South India (Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh)

Skanda Sashti is observed with with great devotion and dedication as devotees observe strict fast and visit temples to offer prayers to Lord Kartikeya. Lord Murugan bestow his devotees with happiness, prosperity and good wealth and it is also believed that he ward off the evil energies and people are able to get rid its bad effects by offering prayers to Lord Kartikeya. Devotees seek blessings of Lord Murugan to overcome obstacles, attain success, and gain spiritual enlightenment.

It is believed that monthly Skanda Sashti vrat bring good fortune, remove obstacles, and grant inner strength and courage to face life's challenges in life. It is an opportunity for devotees to strengthen their connection with Lord Murugan and seek his divine grace and blessings.

Skanda Sashti 2024: Puja Rituals

1. Wake up early in the morning and take a holy bath.
2. Devotees clean their homes and make rangoli.
3. Do preparations for the Skanda Sasthi fasting.
4. They take sankalp of not eating tamasik food.
5. Set up an altar and place an idol of Lord Murugan.
6. Offer fruits, specially banana, coconut and put kalash filled with water.
7. Offer flowers and light a diya with desi ghee.
8. Recite Lord Murugan's stories and chant his mantras.
9. Visit temples and offer milk, coconut and flowers to Lord Murugan and seek blessings.
10. In the evening, devotees can break their fast and eat sattvik food.

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