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The Secret of a Wonderful Old Age

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Out of all the phases of life that we go through, people mostly like youth the best. Old age is usually looked upon as the age of complaining. Indeed, the elderly often come up with grievances – some genuine and some imaginary. However, having been through the earlier stages of life, their holistic understanding of life can enable them to live more meaningfully in their later years.
In Marathi, there is a saying: ‘Man becomes wise by experiences.’ Nonetheless, merely going through numerous experiences need not make a person wise. Understanding those experiences and drawing the right lessons from them is important. Every experience holds valuable lessons waiting to be discovered.

During our student life, we study and try to understand life’s nuances. As householders, the major portion of life is devoted to careers, household responsibilities, and what we can do for society. In vanaprastha, more time should be devoted to spiritual sadhanas, with decreasing involvement in worldly activities.

Old age can be wonderful and productive – if one has the right attitude. Tulsidasji ’s advice in Ramcharitmanas applies to a vanaprasthi. He says, “Practice control over the senses, develop dispassion, withdraw from too many worldly activities and devote greater time to the ways of Saints and Sages.”

One of the greatest lessons on how to live beautifully in one’s old age came from a bedridden ninety-year-old man. He made no demands on his family and was completely contented. With a calm and serene face, he spent his time chanting the Gita and Vishnu Sahasranama.

In life, there comes a time when we can neither read nor hear. Then, we realize the importance of memorizing shlokas. Therefore, spend maximum time in japa and nama smarana. Open an account in the ‘Bank of God’ and keep depositing in it the name of the Lord. Tulsidasji prays: “Just as a greedy person loves to count money, in the same way, I must become greedy about counting Your name.”

His guidelines are: “Develop more and more control, withdraw from worldly pursuits and concentrate increasingly on spiritual sadhana .” If this is done, life will be wonderful. If this is not done, our bodies become weak, and desires gain strength; the body cannot keep pace with our desires, and this leads to frustration. If we withdraw from worldly pursuits and focus on spiritual sadhana, life will undoubtedly be fulfilled.

Life is a discovery channel. Every day there is something new to learn, and one is never too old to learn. Life is also a package deal. These days low-cost air tickets are available, but they come with special stipulations. Likewise, if you intensely want something, you may have to give up other things. Generally, we do not like the word ‘sacrifice’, but people often compromise higher values for small pleasures. If we want higher values, we must relinquish lower pleasures. Unless we stand for something, we will fall for everything! Wisdom lies in choosing the higher.

We have to decide how we wish to live; we have the choice between a life of sacrifice or one of compromise. History has proved that anything worth achieving is made possible only through sacrifice. The Scriptures clearly state that a human life is difficult to obtain. The goal of life is not just to enjoy sense pleasures; it is to know the Truth. One who chooses the lower for the higher “verily commits suicide.” Life without the desire to know the Truth and devotion to God is not worth living.

Therefore, it is essential to appreciate the uniqueness and value of a human birth. Why waste it by merely amassing money and living for oneself? We can know the Truth and attain Liberation in this very life. Choose to strive for it. Be resolute and remain firm in it. Then, we can reach the final goal of permanent Bliss!

Swamiji is from Chinmaya Mission

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