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How to Overcome the Fear of Death?

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To fear death is somewhat natural. Most of us do experience this fear at some point or the other. But when fear takes a stronghold and it plays on our mind all the time, making us worry about ‘what might happen, how will I die, when will I die, will I die too early’, it takes away our inner peace and that is certainly not a good sign.

Why do we fear death?
One is afraid of death because one has no control over the unknown.
But by learning about the facts surrounding death, that fear and worry can be eased.
Birth and death are a natural process. Every process has an end. The inherent nature of anything that has a beginning is that it always comes to an end. When everyone has to witness death at some point in time during their life, then, why live in fear and worry about it?

The science behind death
When we sew a shirt, we can say that the shirt has been created or born. Death is inevitable to whatever is born. Similarly, our body is born and hence it will die one day. Anything that is born has to die, and because there is death, there will also be birth. So, death is connected to birth.
However, the good news is that we are not the body or the mind. We are really a pure Soul, which is free from the bondage of birth and death as it is an eternal element. So we are beyond birth and death! The Soul is the true Self of us all. Although we all living beings are different physically, in our elemental form we all are the same.

Who is the Knower of this beginning and the end?
Things that have a beginning and an end are all temporary. Our body and name have a beginning and an end, and therefore are temporary. But who is the knower of the temporary nature of everything? You, the permanent Soul, are the Knower of the temporary. Death is of the temporary i.e. the body and mind, and You are just the knower of it. You existed before the birth of the body and you remain even after the death of the body.
Where there is ignorance, there is darkness and hence there is fear. But where there is knowledge, there is light, and fear cannot exist in this light. The inherent attribute of Soul is absolute knowledge. Want to know what exactly a soul is? Read

When you understand the nature of the Soul, all puzzles related to death are solved.
To truly understand the nature of the Soul, we need to realise the Soul. Akram Vignan is a spiritual science whereby Self-realisation is easy to attain with the grace of Gnani.
Gnani is the Enlightened One who has experienced the eternal state of the Self, and therefore is free from the bondage of birth and death. He remains separate from his body and every event related to the body. This is the reason why He easily remains separate from death too. He constantly remains as a Soul, as the ‘knower and observer’ of whatever is happening to his body.

One more inherent property of the Soul is eternal bliss
After Gnani graces us with Self-Realisation, in the event of death, one is able to remain in the awareness of, ‘I am a pure Soul.’ Therefore, even amidst the external difficulties that the body may be going through during death, one is not afraid of anything internally, one is able to remain detached and experience the bliss of the Soul.

To conclude:
Death is inevitable. Hence, there’s no point in fearing or worrying about it. People who are afraid of death do so because of ignorance of their true Self. Therefore, it is important to know the facts and live peacefully.
The most important fact to know is, “I am a pure Soul.” As long as the wrong belief of, ‘I am this body’ prevails fear and worry will remain. Once the Enlightened One replaces this wrong belief with the right belief of, ‘I am a pure Soul’ within, the fear of dying will dissipate.

By: Dada Bhagwan

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