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World Food Safety Day: Origin, objective and significance

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World Food Safety Day is an international observance dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of safe food and promoting efforts to ensure its availability for everyone. The day serves as an opportunity to highlight the critical role of food safety in public health and to emphasize the need for cooperation among governments, organizations, and individuals to address foodborne diseases.

The United Nations General Assembly established World Food Safety Day on December 20, 2018, with the adoption of resolution A/RES/73/250. The resolution was co-sponsored by over 70 countries and received unanimous support, reflecting the global recognition of the significance of food safety.

World Food Safety Day is celebrated annually on June 7, starting from 2019. This date was chosen to coincide with the establishment of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in 1945, which plays a crucial role in promoting food security and safety worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) also actively participates in the observance, contributing its expertise in public health and disease prevention.

The primary objective of World Food Safety Day is to raise awareness about the risks associated with unsafe food and to promote action to prevent, detect, and manage foodborne diseases. It aims to encourage governments, food producers, consumers, and other stakeholders to adopt and implement measures to improve food safety along the entire food supply chain.

World Food Safety Day holds significant importance for several reasons:

  • Public Health: Foodborne illnesses pose a significant threat to public health globally. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 600 million people fall ill and 420,000 die each year due to contaminated food. World Food Safety Day raises awareness about these risks and promotes measures to prevent foodborne diseases, ultimately safeguarding public health.
  • Consumer Protection: Food safety ensures that consumers have access to safe and wholesome food. By celebrating World Food Safety Day, individuals are empowered with knowledge about safe food handling practices, proper storage, and awareness of potential hazards. This enables consumers to make informed choices and protect themselves and their families from foodborne illnesses.
  • Global Cooperation: World Food Safety Day serves as a platform to foster international cooperation and collaboration. It encourages governments, organizations, and stakeholders to work together in sharing best practices, scientific research, and regulatory frameworks. By promoting global cooperation, the day helps to harmonize food safety standards and strengthen efforts to prevent and manage foodborne diseases across borders.
  • Sustainable Development: Food safety is intricately linked to sustainable development goals. Safe food production and handling practices contribute to sustainable agriculture, reducing food waste, and promoting environmental sustainability. World Food Safety Day highlights the need for sustainable food systems that prioritize safety, nutrition, and environmental responsibility, supporting long-term development and resilience.
  • Economic Impact: Foodborne illnesses have severe economic consequences for individuals, communities, and countries. Outbreaks of foodborne diseases can lead to decreased productivity, increased healthcare costs, trade disruptions, and damage to a country's reputation. World Food Safety Day emphasizes the economic significance of food safety, encouraging investment in preventive measures, quality control, and adherence to international standards, ultimately boosting economic growth.
  • Food Security: Food safety is an integral component of food security. Unsafe food undermines efforts to ensure adequate and nutritious food for all. By promoting food safety practices, World Food Safety Day contributes to enhancing food security by reducing food losses, improving food quality, and preventing contamination throughout the food supply chain.
  • Each year, World Food Safety Day focuses on specific themes and issues related to food safety. These themes highlight various aspects of food safety, such as the importance of safe food handling, the role of sustainable food production, the impact of food safety on public health, and the need for international cooperation to ensure safe food for all.

    Through campaigns, events, and activities organized worldwide, World Food Safety Day aims to engage individuals, communities, and organizations in promoting food safety practices. It emphasizes the shared responsibility of governments, businesses, and consumers in ensuring the safety and quality of the food we eat.

    By recognizing World Food Safety Day and promoting its objectives, countries can work together to prevent foodborne illnesses, reduce food-related health risks, and promote sustainable food systems that prioritize safety, nutrition, and well-being.
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