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Yogini Ekadashi 2024: Date, time, story, rituals and all you need to know

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Yogini Ekadashi 2024

Yogini Ekadashi is an auspicious day observed by Hindus all over the world, especially those who are devoted to Lord Vishnu. Yogini Ekadashi falls on the 11th day of the Krishna Paksha, and is usually between June and July according to the Gregorian calendar. According to Hindu calendar, Yogini Ekadashi is during the month of Ashad, and thus is also called Ashad Krishna Ekadashi.

This year, in 2024, the vrat for Yogini Ekadashi will be kept on July 2, Tuesday.

According to Drik Panchang, the timing for Yogini Ekadashi are -

“Ekadashi Tithi Begins - 10:26 AM on Jul 01, 2024

Ekadashi Tithi Ends - 08:42 AM on Jul 02, 2024”

Stories and legends behind Yogini Ekadashi

The legend associated with Yogini Ekadashi is put forward through two stories or incidents one can say.
One is when Shri Krishna informs Yudhishthir about the Yogini Ekadashi, its benefits, and how it helps to cleanse away all the sins that were committed unknowingly by a living being and the other one comes from Alkapuri.
According to legends, there was a gardener named Hemamali who served the king Kubera. Hemamali's primary duty was to collect flowers, and prepare garlands for the king so that he can offer it to Lord Shiva.
Now, Hemamali had a wife who he was deeply in love with. One day he delayed his duties because he was with his wife and did not realise that the King was waiting for the garlands. When he finally arrived with the flowers, the king noticed his tardiness and questioned him. Hemamali confessed to being late because he was with his wife and this infuriated the King. And so, he cursed him that Hemamali will be separated from his wife and will suffer from leprosy throughout his life.

Hemamali's life took a tragic turn and he began wandering through the forests. He was in immense pain and all alone when one day he met Rishi Markandeya. The rishi, upon hearing Hemamali's plight, advised him to observe the fast of Yogini Ekadashi to seek Lord Vishnu's mercy and be erased from his curse and sin.
Following the sage's advice, Hemamali observed the fast with utmost devotion. Pleased with his sincerity, Lord Vishnu appeared before Hemamali and granted him relief from the curse. Soon, Hemamali was cured of his leprosy and reunited with his wife, living the rest of his life in peace and devotion.

Puja rituals and practices

Keeping a fast on Yogini Ekadashi involves many rituals and practices that devotees must follow.
For starters, it is best to start the preparations a night ahead. Clean the puja room and also wash all the murtis and pictures of the deities in your home temple. Make sure that the area you pray in is clean and pure.

Plus, don’t fill up on food because you have to fast the next day. Instead, have a light diet or avoid grains and beans a day before the fast.

Then, when observing the fast of Yogini Ekadashi, make sure to abstain from eating any form of rice, grains, and beans. While some people go for a complete fast without any food and water, it is alright to have water and fruits through the day.
Then, on the day of Yogini Ekadashi, wake up during the Brahma Muhurat, take a shower, clean the mandir area again, and then start your morning rituals.

On Ekadashi, make sure to light the diya with pure ghee instead of oil.
Once all that is done, offer fresh flowers, fruits, and Tulsi leaves to Lord Vishnu. Along with it, when praying, recite the Vishnu Sahasranama or other Vishnu stotras that you usually chant.

After one full dat of fasting, people usually break their fast on the next day or during the night after the second round of prayers. As Yogini Ekadashi is observed on 2nd July, one can break the fast either on the night of July 2nd or on 3rd July.
Make sure to break the fast with sattvic food and don't overindulge yourself.

What are the benefits of fasting during Yogini Ekadashi

As evident from the legend of Hemamali, Yogini Ekadashi is a very powerful one that can help your mind and body cleanse itself from the sins of the past.
By fasting and performing the rituals with devotion, people can ask Lord Vishnu to let go of their past mistakes and purify them from the inside out. The next day not just feels lighter, but also more positive.
Yogini Ekadashi can also help people feel more peaceful and connected to themselves and grow spiritually without undergoing any hard fasts or rituals.

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