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North Korea To Make An 'Important Announcement' Soon, What Could It Be?

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North Korea's state news agency early on Sunday said that an 'important announcement' will be made soon. However, no further details were provided. The country's supreme leader Kim Jong Un is presiding over a key meeting of the ruling party to review the performance of the party in the first half of the year.In a separate report on Sunday, Kim made an important speech on the focus of the second half of the year during the party's gathering, KCNA said. The meeting follows his recent summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin where the two signed a pact including a pledge of mutual defense if either is attacked.Read More: North Korea Fires At Least One Ballistic Missile Towards Japan: ReportHowever, officials have not confirmed what announcement will be made. Kim Jong Un and his ruling party convened for the 10th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea on Friday State news agency KCNA reported that five items on the agenda were approved. However, it did not elaborate on other details. Read More: North Korea Executes Man For Listening To K-Pop, Report Details Kim Jong-Un's Attacks On 'Outside Culture'According to the report, the meeting, which was presided over by Kim, was to 'review the work done in the first half of the year and decide a series of important immediate issues arising'. Meanwhile, South Korea recently accused North Korea of executing a 22-year-old man for sharing a listening to K-pop music and South Korean films. According to a report, the man from South Hwanghae province was accused of listening to 70 K-pop songs, watching 3 South Korean films, and distributing this prohibited media.(With Agency Inputs)

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