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From A Workaholic Boss To An Old-Schooler Boss: Know The Different Types Of Bosses

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Knowing what type of boss you have at your workplace can help you in many ways. Few tweaks around your working style depending on the type of personality your boss has can make working at an organisation easy. Wondering the types of personalities your boss can have? Well, from being an old schooler to being a meticulous planner, there are many types of bosses out there.

Listed below are different types of bosses that you can find at work places.

The coach
This type of boss will always encourage you to realise your full potential. They will encourage you to grow in your career. You can always count on them for helping you navigate through challenging situations in your career. They are deeply involved in the process and also share a great interpersonal relationship with their subordinates.

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A workaholic
This type of boss is deeply committed to the work. They are always thinking of ways to better their craft and expect their subordinates also to work hard at what they’re doing and achieve great results. When it comes to work, they’re always available round the clock and are deeply involved in the process.

The micromanager
This type of boss likes to take matters in their own hands and micromanage every aspect of the work that needs to be done. They are typically less trustful of their subordinates and to ensure quality work, they try to micromanage everything on their own. One disadvantage of working with this type of boss is you may feel there’s less freedom to explore and experiment.

Output-oriented boss
This type of boss concerns themselves with the output alone. They are not someone who tries to micromanage things or dictate things to their staff. Their only objective is to make sure that everybody working under them is giving the desired output. Working with this type of boss can be fun, as they provide one with the freedom and flexibility to experiment with things.

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An oldschooler
This type of boss is very particular when it comes to rules and regulations. They operate from a fixed mindset and are less flexible in their approach. It is possible that employees may find it difficult to make their case before this kind of boss, because it is hard for them to wrap their head around different perspectives.

A leader
This type of boss is a leader and a visionary. They are very clear in their approach and know exactly what they want. They are always good at describing short term and long term objectives of the organisation to their subordinates. It is always good to work this type of a boss, because they are always very hands on and clear-headed.
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