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Think Labour is going to win? You'd better start saving for their tax rises

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If Sunday Express readers think Labour is going to be in power by the end of the week, they should start saving.

Labour is asking the whole country to sign a blank cheque because they won't say what they will do - they have no plan, or if they do they won't tell us what it is.

What we do know is they will lift taxes to the highest level on record, because they have admitted to that.

They are committed to a Retirement Tax on people who have worked hard all their lives by allowing the state pension to be dragged into income tax for the first time in its history.

That's not fair when pensioners cannot easily increase their incomes and deserve peace of mind in retirement.

And they haven't told us which taxes they would put up to fill the rest of their £38.5 billion black hole - £2,094 per household's worth of taxes. Instead, they are asking you to sign a blank cheque so they can do what they like if they get unchecked power.

We have a clear plan to cut taxes, including for pensioners with our Triple Lock Plus to give people the financial security they deserve in retirement.

We will cut the taxes of workers too so hard-working people can keep more of their own money. By 2027 we will have cut £1,350 from National Insurance for someone on the average salary, and we will abolish the main rate of National Insurance for our self-employed risk-taking, job-creating entrepreneurs too.

We will abolish stamp duty for first-time buyers up to £425,000 and create a new improved Help to Buy scheme to help more young people onto the housing ladder.

We will give parents a boost by ending the single-earner penalty that means some families receive less Child Benefit than others with the same income.

And we will take the tough decisions to make sure we're cutting tax sustainably and responsibly. We strongly believe that people are better off in work - better for them and better for taxpayers.

The number of people out of work is too high; so is the bill to pay for them. We're going to make sure those who can work do, so we can control the welfare bill, and use the money to cut your taxes. Labour don't think there's a single penny to be saved from the benefits bills and don't support the tax cuts either.

So there's a clear choice at this election. People cannot afford Labour's tax rises. If you're not certain about Labour, don't surrender to them, vote Conservative.

Mel Stride, Work and Pensions Secretary

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