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Roses will flower longer and grow stronger when fed 3 kitchen scraps this July

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Roses are in full bloom now that summer has arrived, but there is a simple way to get healthier and more vibrant flowers by feeding them the right fertiliser.

The best time to fertilise roses is early July in the middle of their blooming season as it replenishes the nutrients they need to enhance flower production and help them cope with the heat.

However, you do not have to spend any money to boost your roses as Kelly, a gardener and founder of My Soulful Home has shared you can help feed flowers with some simple kitchen scraps.

Kelly said: "Want a lush and lovely garden without spending a dime on fertiliser, slug protection & compost? Well, have a banana an egg and a cup of coffee for breakfast."

It may seem strange, but banana peels, coffee grounds and egg shells can be made into a very effective homemade fertiliser which will help give roses the nutrients they need to get longer-lasting blooms.

image Why should you feed roses a homemade fertiliser?

Bananas are essential for plant growth as they contain a large amount of potassium as well as potassium, which can improve the flower quality of roses.

Kelly said: "Banana peels add phosphorus and potassium to the soil. Both are essential to a healthy plant. Potassium is responsible for the formation of new flower buds.

"Your roses in particular will want a bunch of bananas and you will want a bunch of rose buds."

Egg shells are a fantastic source of calcium, which helps prevent diseases such as blossom and helps the overall structure of the plant.

Coffee grounds also help provide roses with nitrogen, which helps grow the foliage and is essential for the overall health of the plant.

This homemade fertiliser will mainly help boost roses by providing them with the nutrients they need but is also an effective way to keep slugs away from flowers as these pests are known to be very sensitive to the strong scent of coffee as well as hate the texture.

Kelly said: "Sprinkling the grinds on top of the soil may also deter slugs and snails...[they] don't like the feeling of sliding over the grinds."

image How to make a homemade fertiliser for roses

All you need to do is save your leftover banana peels and coffee grounds in one container

Make sure to thoroughly wash out the egg shells to get rid of any yolk and then leave them in a separate container to dry out.

Once the egg shells have dried crush them into little pieces and then add most of them to the container with the banana peels and coffee grounds.

Save some of the eggshells to sprinkle around your roses as slugs will not crawl over the sharp shells.

Then, place the fertiliser in a ziplock bag and keep it in the fridge until use, and bury the homemade mixture underneath near your rose bush roots to feed them.

Kelly said: "My secret garden tips are to cut up the peel, crush the shells scoop together the grinds and work all three into the soil under and around your plants.


"Toss the secret trio into a container before you mix in the planting soil. Each will act as a slow-release fertiliser, pest deterrent and soil amendment."

However, like with any fertiliser gardeners should be aware that overfertilising roses can cause them to grow excessive foliage, which means less energy will be spent on flowers which can lead to weak blooms or an unhealthy plant.

To avoid them make sure to only apply this homemade fertiliser once in midsummer to help boost blooms, and then monitor roses after application.

This simple fertiliser is a fantastic way to cut down on food waste and save some money on gardening supplies while also helping encourage bigger, more abundant and healthier rose flowers this summer.

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