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Rebecca Joynes LIVE: Teacher breaks down in tears as she's jailed for sex with two pupils

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A sex predator teacher found guilty of having sex with two pupils has been sentenced to 6.5 years in jail. Rebecca Joynes, 30, sobbed in court as she learnt her fate.

She hid her face as she arrived at Manchester Crown Court for her sordid crimes against the two teenage boys - including one who got her pregnant.

Ms Joynes, of Pensby Road in Thingwall, Wirral, is facing a lengthy jail term for four counts of sexual activity with a child and two counts with sexual activity with a child by a person in a position of trust.

She met the boys - who cannot be named for legal reasons - when she taught them at a Greater Manchester school. The teacher said that the first boy - known as Boy A - would be "flirtatious" with her and say "you're sexy" as he walked past.

She claimed he nagged her for her phone number during lessons and she gave him most of it - and he guessed the final two digits. Over the course of the relationship she she showered him with gifts including a £345 Gucci belt from Selfridges.

The second boy - Boy B - she admits to having a relationship with - but only after he turned 16. She described the boy as her "best friend", said they'd go on walks together, message on Snapchat and that she helped him with his mock GCSEs.

After he turned 16 she said he sent her a message that said "I've left school now" with a winky face emoji. The court heard he went to her apartment after she had been dismissed and during an emotional conversation they had sex.

She called the relationship "toxic" and said the teenager was "controlling" but later found out she was pregnant.


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