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General Election latest: Tories narrow Labour's lead in new poll as Reform drops

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The Tories have narrowed Labour's lead in a new poll days before the General Election. The Savanta survey puts Rishi Sunak's party on 24 percent, 15 points behind Labour on 39 percent.

The last time the pollster recorded the Conservatives in the mid-twenties was June 7-9.

Chris Hopkins, political research director at Savanta, said: "This is the highest Conservative vote share in a Savanta poll since early June - or more specifically, pre D-Day debacle. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, this result - if replicated on election night - would still mean a historic Labour victory.

"But these sorts of numbers imply heavy losses rather than electoral oblivion. Alongside Reform UK looking like they could be slipping, this is as close to good news as the Conservative Party gets these days."

Savanta interviewed 2,287 UK adults online between June 28-30.


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