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Demand to build Hindu temple in Russia before PM Modi's visit, letter written to Putin for land

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Sami Kotwani said that the consent to build a Hindu temple in Russia will be the first big news of the BRICS summit to be held in October. Apart from this, this temple will also become a center of attraction in Moscow. Due to this, the number of Indian tourists will increase, which will further strengthen the economy of the Russian Federation.

Russian President Putin and Indian Business Alliance Chairman Sami Kotwani.

Before Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Russia, the demand for building a huge temple in Moscow has gained momentum. An organization of Indians living in Russia has written a letter to Russian President Putin demanding land in Moscow to build a temple. Sami Kotwani, President of Indian Business Alliance, said that like Abu Dhabi, there is a plan to build a huge temple in Moscow too.

Sami Kotwani has also released a video addressed to Russian President Putin. In this video, Kotwani said that the funding of this temple will be completely on private basis.

Spiritual center for Indian expatriates

He said that this temple will not only be a spiritual center for the Indian diaspora but also a cultural center for all those interested in multinational Indian support. In this way, the Hindu temple in Moscow will not only become a center of unity and attraction for Indians but will also become a symbol of strong relations between both Russia and India.

Moscow attractions

Sami Kotwani said that apart from this, this temple will also become a centre of attraction for the capital Moscow. Due to this, the number of Indian tourists will increase, which will further strengthen the economy of the Russian Federation.

Agreement to build a Hindu temple in Russia

Addressing Putin, Kotwani said that the construction of the first Hindu temple in Moscow will become a symbol of mutual coordination of our cultures, which is the policy of the idea of development of BRICS Plus. Giving consent to build a Hindu temple in Russia will be the first big news of the BRICS summit to be held in October.

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