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After how long should you turn off the AC, will it get damaged if you turn it on and off repeatedly? Know

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If you also have an AC in your house to drive away the heat, then you have to take special care of it. Very few people would know that after how long it is necessary to turn off the air conditioner. Otherwise, the compressor may catch fire due to overheating.

The comfort that is found in AC is definitely not found in a cooler. The coolness of AC is something else. But the heat is so much that even the AC has given up. Due to the heatwave, the compressor of the AC is getting affected a lot, and this is the reason why there are frequent reports of fire in AC. There can be many reasons for the fire in the compressor of AC, which is directly connected to the scorching heat.

To avoid the heat, there are many people who want to sit in front of the AC all day. For this reason, they keep the air conditioner running all day. But this can pose a danger to both you and the AC. Let's understand how.

If the AC is kept on for a long time, then there is a high risk of the compressor overheating. Therefore, the AC should not be kept on for a very long time. Very few people who have AC in their homes would know after how long the AC should be turned off.

After how much time should it be turned off?

According to an AC expert, if you are running the AC for a long time, then remember to turn it off for 5-7 minutes every one to two hours. This will prevent the AC compressor from heating up quickly, and there is also no risk of fire in the scorching heat.

Apart from this, there is also a risk of overheating if your compressor has become very old. The compressor of an overly old AC can heat up too much in the summer season. Timely care of the compressor and replacement as per need is very important.

Apart from this, cleaning the condenser coils, filter cleaning and checking the refrigerant level are also important parts of AC care. Also, if there is good ventilation around the compressor, the AC has to work less to cool the room.

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