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'Entitled neighbour stole my parking spot – I took revenge when weather turned bad'

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A man has been praised for his 'epic' revenge on an entitled neighbour who stole his parking space after he cleared eight inches of snow off the ground. He explained how he woke up to a sheet of snow covering his neighbourhood - making it difficult for everyone to jump in their cars to start their day.

He said on Reddit: "Eight inches of snow had fallen the night before, and the windchill made it feel as if it were in the negatives (Fahrenheit). I drive an all wheel drive SUV so I have no issues getting out. My wife on the other hand drives a Prius, which slides with the smallest amount of moisture on the road.

"My car was down at the time, so we had to take my wife’s car. I spent 45 minutes in the freezing cold shovelling that car out so we could get to the store. We were gone for an hour, and when we came back, our neighbour had taken the spot I had shovelled." While his apartment doesn't have assigned parking, it's an unwritten rule that if you spent time shovelling snow out of a parking space, the space 'belongs' to you.

He added: "When I saw his car in the spot I had just shovelled, I was pretty annoyed." Wanting to teach his neighbour a lesson, he went inside and filled two-gallon jugs of water before pouring them out all over his neighbour's windshield. He kept doing this until he'd poured around ten gallons over his car in total.

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He added: "Being how cold it was, it was already freezing by the time I poured the last gallon on. It sat like that overnight. The next morning, I got to watch as he helplessly tried to scrape all of these layers of ice off his windshield. Don’t take my goddamn parking spot."

Commenting on his post, one user said: "My dad was petty af. The winter of 96’ in the Philly area. He had shovelled a spot out from the few feet of snow we got. I can’t remember why his car was gone for a minute but when he got back someone had parked in his spot.

"My dad was mad. So he shovels himself a new spot, and piles all the snow up on and around the car in his original spot. He then shovels the neighbours some spots and did the same thing. Couldn’t even see the car when he was done."

Another user added: "In Pittsburgh we’ve mostly all agreed on the 'parking chair' system. If you shovel it, you put a folding chair or something similar in the spot. If you’re someone looking for a spot, you do not violate the sanctity of the parking chair."

A third user said: "A few years ago, we got a foot or two of snow in Philadelphia. I lived in the not so good section of west Philadelphia. People would put cones and trashcans on spots they shovelled out. One idiot had the balls to move the cones and trashcans and park in the spot. Guess who didn't have tires when they came back."

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