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Vitamins: When and how many vitamins are necessary in life, every woman must know this.

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Women work all day long and ignore the constant fatigue as work fatigue. But this could be a sign of deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals in the body. Women's health is different from men's in many ways. Nutrient requirements also vary, to fulfill which vitamins play an important role. These vitamins play an important role in increasing women's fertility, bone strength, and immunity. If these are not paid attention to in time, they may face great difficulties in the future.

Why is the test necessary?
Deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals is often seen in the body of women. Many symptoms and signs of their deficiency also start appearing in the body. By getting a vitamin test done, it can be found out which vitamins are lacking in your body. This information helps you get appropriate treatment. Through this, you can detect nutritional deficiencies in your body. At the same time, some problems, like anemia, which are caused by vitamin deficiency, can be treated. When you consult a doctor in time, you can easily diagnose these problems.

Vital nutrients
Vitamin D improves bone strength, immune system, and mood. Vitamin B12 is essential for the production of red blood cells and nervous system health. Folic acid is essential for fetal development during pregnancy. Iron produces red blood cells and maintains energy levels. Calcium is essential for the strength of bones and teeth. Their deficiency can put you in trouble.

When to get tested
Irregular menstruation, constant fatigue, and continuous hair fall are signs of vitamin deficiency in the body. In such a situation, when you face these problems, definitely get your vitamin test done. Apart from this, it is right to get vitamin tests done during pregnancy also. With this, you get to know about the deficiency of essential vitamins at the right time.

Vitamins in diet
Vitamins are found in a variety of foods, such as green leafy vegetables and fruits. Vitamin K is found in broccoli, cabbage, kiwi, grapes, soybean, and olive oil. Along with this, antioxidants, vitamins, and other healthy nutrients are found in abundance in red and yellow vegetables, such as capsicum, tomato carrot, etc.


Take care
Many women start taking vitamin supplements on the advice of others, which is wrong. You should always take vitamin supplements only on the advice of a doctor.

Test necessary once a year
Senior doctor Dr. Prabhakar Bhushan Mishra says a deficiency of vitamins is seen a lot in women. Especially those women who are vegetarian or have recently become mothers. Such women do not drink milk in sufficient quantity, due to which they suffer from Vitamin B12 deficiency. In such a situation, it is important to get a vitamin test done once a year. If you do not get your vitamins checked for a long time, you may be exposed to many diseases including heart disease, mental health, and digestion. For proper health, it is important that the level of vitamins and other nutrients in a woman's body should also be normal. In case of a problem, contact the doctor immediately.


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