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Travel tips: You can travel abroad even without flight, make a plan to visit these countries

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Everyone likes to travel, everyone wants to visit every country in the world and enjoy it. Every person wants to travel abroad at least once in his life. But many people face the problem of traveling by flight. Yes, some people get scared of sitting on a flight, due to which they miss out on traveling abroad. But you will be surprised to know that you can also visit some countries by road. Today we are going to tell you about those countries where you can travel by road without flight. So let's know and make a plan to visit here...

The distance from Delhi to Singapore by road is approximately 5926 km. It may take you about 91 hours to cover this distance. To go to Singapore by road, you will need a driving license, travel document, special overland permit, passport, carnet fee, and visa. To go to Singapore, you will first have to pass through these routes - Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia. Passing through these states and countries, you will finally reach your final destination Singapore.

This country located towards the east of India was once a part of Pakistan, which became a new country Bangladesh after independence in the year 1972. This country located at a distance of about 1,713 kilometers from the capital of India, New Delhi, is also a very beautiful country, to go here you can easily reach from New Delhi via Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, and Bengal, during this journey you may take about 30 hours. To travel to Bangladesh, you need all the permits and an international driving license, with all these documents you can go on a trip to this beautiful country.

Malaysia is also famous all over the world due to its beauty, Malaysia remains a center of attraction for people from all over the world for its luxurious buildings and beautiful sea shores. To reach Malaysia by road, you will have to go to Thailand from Delhi via Imphal, Moreh, Bagan, Inle Lake, Yangon, Maesot, Tak, and Bangkok, then from there you can go to Malaysia. To visit Malaysia, you need the necessary permit, passport, travel document, and visa, you can go to Malaysia with all these documents.


To reach Thailand from Delhi, you will have to cover a distance of around 4198 km by road. This journey may take you 71 hours and as we mentioned above, this time may also increase due to some reasons. To travel by road, do not forget to carry these necessary documents like visa, permit, international passport, 200 percent carnet fee, and lead car. Also, the people accompanying you are required to carry these documents with them.

Sri Lanka
This country located on the southern border of India is also a very beautiful country, Sri Lanka is located about 3704 km from the country's capital New Delhi. To travel to Sri Lanka by road, you can reach this country by taking a boat ride from Delhi through Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana, and then Tamil Nadu, this entire journey can take you about 80 hours. To go to Sri Lanka, you need the necessary permit, international driving license permit, passport, and visa, with all these necessary documents you can visit this country to see the beauty of Sri Lanka.

The most common way to enter Bhutan by road from India is from Jaigaon City West Bengal. It is only 4.3 km from Bhutan's border town of Phuentsholing. Private cabs are available between the two places. Also, you can go to Bhutan in your vehicle. To go to Bhutan by road, you will need a passport, international driving permit, and all the necessary permits.

(PC: Lifeberrys)

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