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PM Modi Birthday: How does PM Modi remain so fit even at the age of 74? Know the secret of his fitness

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The Prime Minister of the country, Narendra Modi, who has given India a different identity at the global level, is celebrating his 74th birthday today. It is very difficult to guess his age by looking at his dedication to work. Even at this age, he is becoming an inspiration for the youth.

If we talk about the time of the elections, then even at this age, he not only did countless rallies without getting tired but also gave speeches that were filled with enthusiasm. The result of this is that he was elected as the Prime Minister for the third consecutive time.

PM Modi's schedule is very busy throughout the day, despite this he takes full care of his health. This is the reason why he remains very fit even at the age of 74. Even at this age, he has the strength to compete with the youth. Today, when the Prime Minister of the country is celebrating his 74th birthday, let us know what is the fitness mantra of Prime Minister Modi.

This is the daily routine.
The Prime Minister of the country himself has mentioned many times that he wakes up at 4 or 5 in the morning every day. He gets his sleep by sleeping for just three to four hours in 24 hours and the rest of the time he works with full dedication.

Starts the day with yoga
You must have often seen and heard PM Modi inspiring people to do yoga. He is seen spreading awareness about yoga at the global level. Along with inspiring people, he starts his day with yoga. Surya Namaskar and Pranayam are an important part of his daily life. He has a good knowledge of yoga practice.

This is the diet chart.
Talking about PM Modi's diet, he never eats junk food. He is always seen as being very strict about his food. Talking about his favorite food, Khichdi, and Gujarati food are very dear to him.


For India
PM Modi always likes to eat a balanced diet. Along with fresh fruits, sprouted grains are an important part of his diet. Along with this, he also likes to consume curd, because curd is very beneficial for health.

Drinks lukewarm water
Whether it is winter or summer, PM Modi always likes to drink lukewarm water. He mentioned during an interview that he drinks lukewarm water all 12 months to keep his digestion system right. This keeps his voice right during speeches and rallies and his throat does not have any kind of problem.


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