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Parenting Tips: How to teach children good touch and bad touch, know why this is important

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Kids education: The way incidents of sexual violence against children are increasing, there is a need to caution and protect them from it. Therefore, it is important for children to understand the difference between bad and good touch.

Also tell children about their private parts and teach them why it is important to keep them covered.

Parenting Tips : There is no dearth of people with bad thinking in the world, so it is good that we tell our children the difference between good and bad. Most of the young children do not know about good touch and bad touch. People with bad thinking can take advantage of this. According to psychologists, the sooner we teach children to respect their bodies, the better it will be for them. Recently, when young girls were being told about bad touch and good touch in a school in Pune, an 11-year-old girl told the counselor that this has happened to her but she was not aware of it before. Experts consider it wrong. They say that it is the responsibility of the elders of the family, parents or teachers to give this information to the children.

Teach children about good touch and bad touch

Experts say that the way incidents of sexual violence against children are increasing, there is a need to caution and protect them from it. Children should also know that any doctor can examine their body only in front of their guardians. Every parent needs to be more careful about their children. After knowing these things, the gender gap among children also reduces.

How to give information about good touch and bad touch to children

1. Tell children about body parts at an early age.

2. Tell them that if they do not like someone kissing, hugging or touching their back, then they should clearly refuse.

3. Tell children about their private parts and also teach them why it is important to keep them covered.

4. Also explain to children the difference between male and female bodies.

5. Tell them that no part of the body is dirty.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information. KT does not claim responsibility for this information.

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