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Monsoon Health: The risk of eye infection increases during rainy days, take care like this

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This time of monsoon brings relief from the scorching heat, but it also brings with it many types of diseases. During the rainy days, many types of bacteria and viruses also start increasing along with humidity, which can cause many types of infectious diseases.

The risk of eye-related diseases also increases during monsoon time. Infectious diseases like conjunctivitis become common in this season. Viral conjunctivitis can cause swelling in the eyes, which can also have long-term side effects.

Let us know why these problems increase in monsoon and what measures can be taken to prevent them.

What do experts say?

In a conversation with Amar Ujala, ophthalmologist Dr Mandeep Singh Basu says, that due to increased humidity and exposure to contaminated water during monsoon days, the risk of eye-related problems can increase. Problems like stickiness, yellow discharge, and swelling in the eyes can occur due to bacterial and viral infections.

To reduce the risk of any eye problem during rainy days, it is necessary to take care of some precautions. It becomes necessary to take care of hand hygiene, avoid touching the eyes frequently, and wear protective glasses.

Conjunctivitis problem may occur


The risk of conjunctivitis, also known as pink eyes, has been seen to be higher during monsoon days. Its main reason is infection caused by viruses or bacteria. Some people may also have conjunctivitis due to allergies. Health experts say, to avoid such problems, avoid swimming in public pools during monsoon. Take special care while using contact lenses.

Eye care during monsoon

It becomes necessary to follow some effective measures to keep the eyes healthy.

Avoid touching the eyes frequently. Germs and bacteria can enter the eyes through contaminated hands and infect them.

Keep a separate towel for the face, do not share it with anyone.

Avoid going to waterlogged places, as various types of bacteria and viruses may be present here.

Do not use any eye drops for the eyes without a doctor's prescription.

Do not apply makeup on the eyes to reduce the risk of infection.

Keep washing your face with clean water.


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