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Indian Tourism: If you dream of visiting the whole of India, know where to start the journey and how much money should be in your pocket

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India is a very rich and diverse country, which has various geographical, cultural, and historical places. Traveling for Bharat Darshan can give physical and spiritual experience. However, planning and completing the entire Darshan in India can be a big task, because there will be a lot of diversity of tourist places among many states and cities in the country. There are many ancient and modern places in India. If you dream of visiting the whole of India, then first of all you have to get information about the expenses incurred during the planning of Bharat Darshan. Here are some suggestions to start the tour of India.

Selection of place

From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, there are many religious, ancient, historical, modern, and natural places with diversity. You have to decide from which state or region you want to start the journey. You can first visit the tourist places of the nearest cities or states where you live. This will take less time and can also cost less.

Travel plan

Which places in a city or state are worth visiting, which of those places do you want to include in your India tour and how much time will it take to visit these places, or in how many days can the tourist places of a city or state be visited, plan this.


Transport is required for India Darshan. Decide which type of transport to use based on where you are traveling. You can travel by train to travel far within budget. Apart from this, you can take local transport, a bus or a private taxi for sightseeing. You can plan a short tour in your car to visit nearby cities.

How much can you spend for Indian Darshan is more important than how much it can cost to travel. Set a budget for your trip and plan the trip according to that budget. For example, according to your budget, can you take a private vehicle or local transport, train, or flight? According to the budget, you can book 3,4 and 5-star hotels or homestays and Dharamshalas. Control the budget carefully. Plan the expenses of transport, accommodation, and food carefully according to the budget.


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