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Brain And Gut Connection: Common stomach diseases can directly attack the brain, know how to avoid them

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There is a strong connection between the stomach and the brain, but this common stomach disease directly attacks the brain, which makes a person forgetful. Know what this disease is and its treatment?

If there is no fiber food in the food plate, then the chances of constipation increase.

Brain Gut Connection : You must have heard this saying that first eat your stomach and then do other work, if the stomach is healthy then everything is fine. If there is food in the stomach, then the brain will also work well. Therefore, a balanced diet improves brain health. If the stomach is not right, then it leaves a bad effect on the brain. In such a situation, there is a deep connection between the stomach and the brain. If there is any problem in the stomach, then it directly attacks mental health. Gas and constipation are the most harmful in this. Constipation weakens the memory if it lasts for a long time. Also, the brain is not able to do its work properly. Then the person starts suffering from dementia i.e. forgetfulness. Never make the mistake of taking constipation and gas lightly.

How does constipation attack the brain - Attack on Brain

According to a research, if constipation is not treated on time, then dementia overpowers the person. In this, the power of thinking and understanding weakens and the ability to concentrate is adversely affected. According to research, the problem of dementia is seen in those who defecate twice a day.

Risk of Type 3 Diabetes - Diabetes Problem

When the brain is not able to function properly due to stomach problems, the risk of type 3 diabetes and colon cancer increases in the person. This also causes other brain related diseases. In such a situation, the chances of getting neurological disorders increase. This problem is seen more in younger people. In such a situation, their immunity power is also affected badly.

What is the solution to constipation? Constipation Treatment

Constipation occurs due to drinking less water. If there is no fiber food in the food plate, then the chances of constipation increase. Constipation means that the stomach is not cleaned properly during morning bowel movement. This causes foul-smelling gas (FARTING) to come out and the mouth starts smelling bad. During the problem of constipation, sometimes one feels like vomiting. To avoid constipation, along with drinking as much water as possible during the day, avoid street food and fried food.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information. KT does not claim responsibility for this information.

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