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Benefits of Tulsi leaves: Rama or Shyam Tulsi, which is more beneficial to make tea with in winter, now in the changing weather, add these leaves and sip

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Benefits of Tulsi leaves: Tulsi leaves protect you from many diseases. But do you know which Tulsi leaf tea is more beneficial, Rama or Shyama?

Tulsi Benefits: Benefits of basil leaves.

Rama or Shyama best Tulsi for Tea: Tulsi plant not only has religious significance, but it is also used as a medicine and various things are also made from Tulsi grown in homes. One of them is Tulsi Tea, which most people drink because it provides many health benefits. Although five species of Tulsi are found in India, including Rama Tulsi, Shyam Tulsi, Vishnu Tulsi, Van, Tulsi and Lemon Tulsi. But Rama or Shyama Tulsi is usually planted in homes and this is used in tea. But have you ever wondered which Tulsi (benefits of Rama and Shyama Tulsi) leaves should be used to make tea, which is beneficial for health.

Difference between Rama and Shyam Tulsi

Rama and Shyama Tulsi are usually planted in homes. Rama Tulsi has green leaves, while Shyama Tulsi has purple and dark leaves. From the health point of view, some such elements are found in Shyama Tulsi, which can cause heat in the body. It has a high amount of antioxidants, which can also be harmful for the digestive system. One should avoid using it especially in the summer season, but some such properties are found in Shyama Tulsi, which reduce skin allergies and inflammation. In such a situation, this Tulsi oil is used in many medicines.

Use this basil in tea

Now the question arises that which Tulsi should we use while making tea? So health experts believe that Rama Tulsi should be used to make Tulsi tea, because it provides many health benefits and it does not have any side effects. Rama Tulsi is also called Sarvarog Nivarani, which means having the ability to cure every disease. You can boil Rama Tulsi leaves in water and drink it as is or you can also make tea by adding tea leaves and milk. On the other hand, Shyam Tulsi is also used as a medicine, the oil of this Tulsi is used to reduce skin diseases.

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