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Mumbai Hosts Interfaith Gathering To Commemorate Swami Vivekananda's Historic 1893 Chicago Address

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Representatives of various faiths gathered at the Ramkrishna Math and Mission, Khar, on Wednesday to commemorate the historic address of Swami Vivekananda in 1893 at the World Parliament of Religions at Chicago.

The 'Mumbai Parliament of Religions' was jointly organised by the Ramakrishna Math and Mission and Inter-Religious Solidarity Council. The delegates at the convention emphasised that the message of Swami Vivekananda is still relevant and inspirational for India today. Nearly 200 delegates took part in the meeting. 

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Swami Satyadevananda recalled how the address of Swami Vivekananda is important amidst rising wars and selfishness in this world. Swami Devakantyananda reiterated the message of Swami Vivekananda that all religions are mere different paths leading to same God. He cautioned that religion without spiritualism will lead to orthodoxy, dogma and fundamentalism. Spirituality can beget consideration and kindness and thus we should aim at spiritualism. 

Maulana Mohammad Faiyaz Baquir said that all religions give the same message of acceptance.  Swami Vivekananda's rejection of religious fanaticism and bigotry was the subject of Catholic priest Fr. Gilbert De Lima's address. Swami Vivekananda promoted practical Vedanta, said De Lima.

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Jainism's emphasis on non-violence and truth and Zoroastrianism's teaching that happiness comes to those who gives happiness to others were other inspiring remarks from speakers.

The Baha'i representative read out a statement that humanity should embrace it's diversity of faiths. The delegates concluded with a collective resolve to actively promote interfaith dialogue and collaboration, recognising that the strength of society lies in its diversity. 

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