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How Social Media Revolutionised The Digital Realm? Know Impacts From Popular Creators

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It is no secret that we live in a digital age and have unknowingly become dependent on it for every little convenience. In the past decade, the digital era has rapidly taken its course, connecting us to every corner of the world and surpassing unimaginable boundaries. But what connects all of us in the best way possible? A platform where we get informed about global happenings, connect to like-minded strangers, and also a place where we grow businesses. Social Media!

World Social Media Day is observed on June 30 every year. As a matter of fact, this day was launched in 2010 to recognise social media's impact on people, global communication, and to celebrate togetherness. In today's world, imagining a life without social media is difficult. We can hate it or love it, but we sure can't ignore it.


Impact of Social Media on Artists

India a diverse nation with the youth population driving the nation towards becoming a superpower. There is immense talent amongst the audience and social media has been an integral part of how this talent has been showcased on the platform. All you need is a phone and a good internet connection and you're connected to millions.

You connect with similar personalities and build a community. While in Conversation with FPJ, Instagram Creator Ruchika Lohiya said, "As a writer and poet, my connection with my audience through social media has been incredibly profound. What resonates with followers is the authenticity and vulnerability in my content. By sharing my thoughts, emotions, and creative process openly, I create a space where others can relate and find solace. This interaction not only enriches their experience but also empowers them to engage deeply with their own creativity and emotions. Social media has truly transformed my career, offering opportunities that stem from the genuine connections I've built with my audience".

How Social Media Is Responsible For The Growth Of Infotainment?

Instagram, Facebook and X are widely used social media platforms in current times. It is astonishing really to see how rapidly people have grasped to the technology and have switched their careers to explore the power of social media and remotely earn a livelihood. Today, these platforms are not only about celebrities and entertainment videos. Rather, it has become people's world, created by people and for the people.

This exposure was seen as an opportunity by multiple industries. It was seen as a gateway to reach out to millions and spread information about arenas they didn't even know existed. Infotainment is one such way of reaching people with information while making it engaging with graphics and case studies.

While in conversation with FPJ, Interior Design Content Creator, Mohammed Salman shared how he chose to take interior designing to a next level via Instagram. "I wanted to be the face of my interior design firm. For a long time, it didn't have one. That is one of the reasons why I chose Instagram. People often browse social media, and platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are perfect for designers to showcase their portfolios and reach a global audience. People who might never have discovered their work before can now easily find it. Additionally, social media facilitates direct communication between designers and potential clients".


Is The Growing Addiction Of Social Media Affecting Your Well-Being?

Everything in moderation is the key to enjoying every aspect of life. This does not seem to be the case with social media. From kids to the elderly's, everybody is hitched to social media these days. It is essential to understand its effect on your mind and body. Not only does it strain your eyes but also restricts you from performing physical activities with all the vast content that is available to you.

When asked if they follow a No-Phone time in the day as creators, they explained how blissful it is to be disconnected from the world of social media for a while. "While social media is essential for my work, I prioritize having moments of no-phone time each day. For me, this usually involves dedicating a few hours to activities like working out or simply taking a walk without distractions. These breaks are crucial for maintaining my mental well-being and creativity. Disconnecting allows me to recharge, gain perspective, and return to my work with renewed energy and focus", Ruchika shared.

While Salman shared, "Connecting with people in person and having conversations and brainstorming sessions is something I prefer. It's important to step away from constant data consumption through phones to engage more deeply and thoughtfully with others".

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