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Nagpur Car Crash: Teen driver injures five in a re-run of Pune Porsche incident

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A minor driving a car near KDK College in Nagpur caused significant chaos, injuring five people and damaging several vehicles on Saturday. The incident unfolded when the out-of-control vehicle plowed through a crowd of vegetable sellers and customers, finally halting after hitting a roadside tree. Senior inspector Popatrao Dhaitonde of Nandanvan police station is investigating the case.

The minor, who was behind the wheel of the car, first hit several parked two-wheelers before veering into a busy area crowded with roadside vendors and their customers. The car only came to a halt after crashing into a roadside tree. Onlookers quickly intervened, rescuing the minor from a mob before handing him over to the police.

Among the injured were an elderly couple, Mahendra and Vandana Agrawal, who were seriously hurt and thrown several meters by the impact. Other injured individuals included Vasanti Gond, Golu Shahu, and Kartick, all vegetable sellers. The injured were promptly taken to the hospital, with three of them later discharged, while two continued to receive medical care.

The police have detained the car owner, Mangesh Gomashe, who allegedly gave the car keys to the minor, a garage worker. Mahesh Gonnade, the garage owner, was also detained for compelling the minor to drive. Both have been booked under the Motor Vehicles Act. Inspector Dhaitonde mentioned, "We collected the blood sample of the minor. Three injured have been discharged, while two are recuperating in the hospital."

Eyewitnesses provided harrowing accounts of the incident. One witness told TOI, “The car came from the direction of the garage in the adjacent lane and moved into the crowd on the footpath at high speed. The incident took place within such a short span of time that none could even flee or jump aside to safety.” Another witness added, “The car rammed a tomato-seller’s cart which was wrecked. The seller was stuck below the car while it pushed the cart ahead before coming to a halt. Vandana was bleeding profusely and was rushed to a hospital.”

This incident has highlighted the dangers of allowing minors to drive and the need for stricter enforcement of traffic laws. The community has raised concerns about ensuring that only licensed and trained individuals operate vehicles to prevent such accidents in the future.

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