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Russian spy 'posed as alien' in bizarre attempt to meet Prince Philip, documentary claims

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A “Russian spy” once attempted to take advantage of ’s long-standing fascination with UFOs and the paranormal to engineer a meeting with , a documentary wildly claims.

In his new Amazon Prime show , filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee claims that both Prince Philip and the late Queen Elizabeth were fascinated by the phenomenon. He went as far to say they secretly dispatched scientists to investigate whether crop circles were UFO landing sites.

Mark relates the story of a curious “extraterrestrial” entity named Janus. He explains how Prince Philip – wary of tarnishing the Royal Family’s reputation – employed his equerry Sir Peter Horsley to conduct a lot of his research into the possibility of alien contact.




Mark says: “This equerry, had a meeting in a Chelsea flat with some person or entity called Janus. This Janus said he was an extraterrestrial and he had to save us because we were basically destroying the Earth.

“He wanted to speak to Prince Philip, to arrange a meeting so that they could discuss these these issues. The thing is, what we think now, is possibly Janus might not been an extraterrestrial, and might have just been a Russian spy.”

It appears that Sir Peter may have had his own suspicions about “Janus,” because ether proposed meeting never happened. Mark says: “That was a very, very strange encounter. And it's all documented in Sir Peter Horsley's, autobiography.”



In the film, Mark documents the Royals’ long history with UFOs - dating back at least to 1875 when Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert, wrote in his diary about having seen strange lights in the night sky .

The film’s most sensational claim is that the King himself – when he was still Charles, Prince of Wales – had flown a reverse-engineered extraterrestrial craft powered by some unknown form of energy.

Canadian diver Dan Costello claims to have witnessed Charles flying a “prototype UFO” at Sandy Point in Nova Scotia. He alleges that Prince Charles was at the time stationed on HMS Endeavour as a Helicopter pilot and was drafted in on a secret test codenamed Project Serpico.



Costello sensationally claims in the film: ”The craft had dual rotor blades like a helicopter but it would also just sit and hover in the sky with the blades not on and with no sound of propulsion just a faint crackle of electro magnetism. I don't think it was extra terrestrial but might be technology developed by Nikolai Tesla who had a facility here and now this was being used by the US, Canadian and British Military."

Mark says that he suspects many so-called “UFO” sightings are in fact cover stories for tests of top-secret aircraft designs. He continued: “I was quite skeptical about Costello's claims at first but since the film has been released numerous witnesses have come forward to state that they remember this Sandy Point incident and that there were craft flying in this area.

“This may also explain the infamous nearby Shag Harbour UFO incident which people have suggested was a UFO - the truth is probably that it was an experimental technology that the US, Canadians and British wanted to keep secret and the UFO alien story was a good cover for this."

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