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Rapists and paedophiles set to be chemically castrated in controversial Italy crackdown

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Paedophiles and rapists could soon be chemically castrated after they are convicted in Italy.

The Italian parliament gave its approval this week to the creation of a committee that could draft laws on treating violent sex offenders with androgen-blocking drugs. The treatment will only be carried out if the criminal agrees and can be reversed, but is aimed at preventing re-offending.

The controversial plan was led by Italy's right-wing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni who has been in power since 2022. She wants to crack down on law and order and plans to bring in the new laws as well as tougher penalties. Since her government came to power it has introduced legislation establishing dozens of new crimes and increased penalties.

Her plans for chemical castration have been criticised by opposition groups for being 'extremist' and a 'violation of humanity and justice'. It some cases criminals will be offered less time in jail in exchange for taking part in the controversial policy.


Mandatory chemical castration is allowed in Russia and Poland and some American states for certain crimes. Last month in Kazakhstan announced the mass chemical castration. Eleven paedophiles were made to have 24 injections a year in the country's latest crackdown of its sexual offenders.

Earlier this year Madagascar's parliament approved a new law that sees anyone found guilty of raping a child under 10 will be surgically castrated and sentenced to life imprisonment. While if the victim is between 10 and 13, they will instead be chemically castrated and face 15 to 20 years of forced labour.

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