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'I'm an American living in the UK – Brits drink some really weird things'

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When you're an American living in the UK, you discover some weird and wonderful new things every day.

At least according to TikTok content creator @kjordyyy, who is often blogging about the things he's discovered as an expat. In a recent video he admitted he thinks Brits drink some really weird things.

Since living here, he discovered we like to sample a lot of beverages that could never be found in the States, and he just can't stop himself from telling people about them. He said there are some he's "never seen before in his life".

He explained: "I mean my favourite has to be Iron Brew. The colour throws it off, it's very similar to cream soda, and I think it's a Scottish drink, but this one has my heart.

"They have this thing called Lucozade Sport. The best way to describe it is it tastes just like a Gatorade, but it's sweet. They also have Lucozade Energy - they brand as an energy drink bro, but this thing tastes like a straight soda.

"Vimto. Vimto Sparkling to be exact. Bigga is a Jamaican drink - you'll find them at all the Jamaican shops. If you took Kool Aid, and put some sparkling water to it, you would have Bigga."

READ MORE: 'I'm American – certain things in British homes completely baffle me'

Even though they sell Fanta in the US, he said there are some flavours he's never seen before in the UK. One of them is Fanta Fruit Twist, while another is Pineapple and Grapefruit.

When you're on holiday, he admitted "nothing slaps more" than a Lemon Fanta. He also noted there's one thing he can't get his head around that Brits always do, and it's called making squash.

He added: "This thing called squash. So basically, it's like a concentrate juice, and you mix it with water. Not my favourite, but this is a version of it.

"When I first got to the UK, my friend told me to buy it. Pour a whole cup of squash bro, and drink it. I almost threw up bro."

The video has been liked over 6,000 times since it was shared, and people have been quick to comment too. They couldn't help but chuckle at some of his reviews.

One quipped: "Lemon Fanta on hols. You've been here too long." Another wrote: "Wait, Americans don't have squash?"

A third replied: "Squash is so cheap to make. That's why it's so popular in the UK." Meanwhile, another thought he'd left out a stunner, writing: "Sad you didn't find some Dandelion and Burdock. That's a good drink we sell."

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