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'I have no teeth but am still beautiful – it boosts romance as men love it too'

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A woman with no teeth clearly hasn't let her dentistry issues affect her confidence judging by a video she uploaded to TikTok.

User @To0thlessQueen, who often goes viral and has more than 400,000 followers on the platform, appeared carefree as she proudly paraded her curves - and her dentures.

Shaking her hips to Tinashe's Nasty song, she captioned her video: "POV [point of view]: He asks 'What's that mouth do?'"

Asked if it's "harder to date" and if men "care" that she has dentures, @To0thlessQueen explained: "I've found it easier to date. But I’ve been with the same person for going on five years. But in the beginning it gave me more confidence."

Not everyone was a fan of the video, and the suggestive caption, as one person blasted: "Pitiful. That's pitiful and vulgar." However, @To0thlessQueen simply shut them down, quipping: "Move along!"

Other users with dentures, however, suggested their male partners are more than happy to be with someone with no teeth. "My man definitely has no complaints," one person declared. Another concurred: "FR [for real] my partner said it is better without them in. It's a real thing. I've read other guys say the same on Reddit too. I boosted my confidence a bit."

"My husband can't wait for my gums to heal," a third said. "I'm only on day three since extractions!" Whilst a fourth wrote: "First thing my husband asked when I healed up..."

@To0thlessQueen's most popular video, meanwhile has been viewed a staggering 12.8 million times. Pinned to her profile, her message is simple: "You’re beautiful no matter what! Be true to yourself."

According to U.S. Census data and research conducted as part of the Simmons National Consumer Survey (NHCS), a staggering 40.99 million Americans used dentures in 2020. This figure is projected to increase to 42.46 million in 2024.

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