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Annie Kilner reportedly 'open' to children meeting with Lauryn Goodman's kids

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Lauryn Goodman has ratcheted up the tension between herself and Kyle Walker’s wife, Annie Kilner. Last week, the 33-year-old posted the full messages she had sent to Annie in December, confirming Kyle was the father of her now 13-month-old daughter Kinara.

In the messages, shared to her Instagram story, she also claimed that Kyle had been lying to both of them, that he didn't want them to communicate and warned that he would "gaslight" Annie. But Annie, 32, has reportedly chosen to take the moral high ground in this feud, telling pals that she is “open” to the idea of the children she shares with Walker meeting up with their half-siblings Kairo and Kinara.

A source close to Annie told Heat Magazine this week that Annie is “fed up with being painted as the villain” in this war of words, and has “always” been fine with the idea of her four kids meeting with Lauryn’s two.


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However, they stressed that Annie wants any meeting to be on her terms: “They are her boys' siblings and she wants to do what's right by all six children,” the source said.

However, if this meeting were ever to take place, there’s one person who definitely wouldn’t be there. Annie is reportedly “insisting” that Lauren must not be present: “She’s open to the the kids meeting,” the source said, “but it'll be on her terms and nobody else’s.”

Annie has had four children with Walker – Roman, 12, Riaan, eight, Reign, six and five-month-old Rezon.


READ MORE: Lauryn Goodman shares full blunt text she sent to Kyle Walker's wife revealing he was dad of her daughter

Annie’s relationship with England star Kyle has never been easy. They were childhood sweethearts, but split in 2019 after Ex OnThe Beach starlet Laura Brown reportedly messaged Annie with claims that she had romped with the Man City defender in the back of his 4x4.

Walker was reportedly “desperate” to reconcile with Annie, and promised to “turn over a new life,” While Annie eventually forgave him, it soon emerged that Walker had also fathered a child with Lauryn, whose younger sister Chloe also featured in MTV's Ex On The Beach.

Although Walker managed to convince Annie that Lauryn’s son Kairo was conceived when he and Annie were “on a break,” it was a cruel twist of the knife when she learned that he had a second child with the 33-year-old influencer.

In a tearful interview with the Sun on Sunday, Kyle admitted to his secret. "What I've done is horrible and I take full responsibility. I made idiot choices and idiot decisions. I can't begin to think or imagine what Annie is going through," he said.

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